Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Your Guide To Multiple Orgasms For Men That Go On And On Leaving Your Body Shaking With Pleasure!

Is it possible for any man to have multiple orgasms just like many ladies? Yes, this is indeed possible with some practice. Men can even learn to have full body multiple orgasms without ejaculation, again and again.
What are some easy tips so any man can start to explore multiple orgasms without ejaculation? The following also is great for women to have deeper orgasms too.
You might be wondering' "why bother to learn this as ejaculation is so nice!
Yes I agree that ejaculation is great but there are some disadvantages of always blowing when you orgasm.
Three Advantages of Multiples
Based on my personal experience, the biggest advantage of dry orgasms is that you do not lose energy after a dry orgasm. So there is no more going to sleep after an orgasm. Actually, you can gain energy instead of feeling tired.
What this allows you to do is have many orgasms in one lovemaking session. Sometimes I have 30 or more orgasms. I can always decide to ejaculate after a long lovemaking session.
The other disadvantage of always blowing is that you lose the connection with your lover. Your desire is not so intense if you rest and then make love again. Most men are happy not to strive for more than one ejaculation orgasm per session.
Another reason for becoming multi orgasmic is that a full body orgasm can be even more powerful than a normal orgasm. Also you can experience more subtle orgasmic experiences running through your body. It also opens you up to feeling heart orgasms.
Another benefit of learning this skill is that you can match the energy of a very orgasmic woman that has the ability to have orgasm after orgasm.
I have found that my lover tells me that I am her best lover ever. I hope you follow the steps below so, in time you will get this feedback too.
Most men are too challenged to take this journey of self exploration. It takes a bit of guts to admit that there is more to sex than you experience. It takes even more guts to do some home practice.
I have found that developing this skill opened up my sensitivity to feel my lover's energy in my body. I find that many times when my lover orgasms I feel this in my body.
Many times when making love, we both orgasm together in total sync, not knowing who started the experience or who actually ends the experience.
Why Do Most Men Struggle To Separate Orgasm From Ejaculation?
I feel that the reason is due to our early masturbation habits. This trains our body to only orgasm with ejaculation.
When we have sex, we can see two dynamics at play.
The first is based on going to arousal. Just watch any sex scene or any porn movie and you will see this dynamic at play. Just about any sex book talks about new ways to increase arousal. Men get very good at going to arousal when self pleasuring. Just a fantasy or two and some strong friction and most men can come in a few minutes.
How there is another dynamic in lovemaking which I will call the relaxation response. Other words to describe this is letting go, falling into, surrendering and opening.
Most women that are multi orgasmic are good at this mode. They use arousal to build up the energy and then relax into the energy, fall into the energy and surrender. They then can feel deeper orgasms like g spot orgasms or cervical orgasms that are more fulfilling than the normal clitoral orgasm. These types of orgasms can go on and on, even for hours.
So, most men need to learn the relaxation mode in sex to become multi orgasmic. Of course you can alternate the arousal response this the relaxation response many times when making love.
The nervous system plays a part in this. The sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for stimulating activities associated with the fight-or-flight response. Arousal activates and up regulates this nervous system.The parasympathetic system specifically is responsible for stimulation of activities that occur when the body is at rest. Letting go and relaxing in sex activates down regulates the parasympathetic nervous system.
Keys To Learn The Relaxation Response.
The first key is to be focused in your body and out of any fantasy in your head. Instead of focusing on your lover and being goal orientated, take your attention to your body and tell it to totally relax. Find any areas that are tight like the buttocks and relax them. Relax the anus and legs.
You will find that the above advice will also allow you a lot of control in not coming too.
The second key is to allow the energy to move in your body by making sounds from deep inside. This allows the energy to move up from the genitals to the heart and out.
Due to sexual shame and early masturbation habits, most men find this advice very difficult to follow. This is a bit strange, as most men love a vocal woman but are silent themselves. Sounds allow your partner to feel you and to feel your energy.
I suggest faking erotic sounds at first to break long habits of holding the energy in. Real men are not afraid to show their full sexual energy to their lovers. Boys are not comfortable in their sexuality.
Are You A Boy Or A Man?
The next key is the breath. By taking a deeper breath and slowing down the exhalation allows the body to relax. Slower breaths taken deep from the belly builds up the energy in the body. This also is a great aid in controlling not coming too soon.
Can you see that relaxing, breathing deeply and making sounds is not something that men practice when self pleasuring?
So the home practice is to self pleasure with full body awareness. Build up the sexual energy somewhat, take deep breaths and then make sounds and totally relax. Stop any penis strokes at this point. Do not try this very close to orgasm.
Just let the body do what it wants to. You might find some shaking occurring. The multi orgasmic response will very subtle at first. Just relax and see what happens. It is fine if nothing happens too. Just repeat this practice a few times each week and, in time, you will be on the path to multiples.
Even if you do not want to develop multiples, doing the above advice will a great aid in extending lovemaking and controlling premature ejaculation.

Massage Therapy - Obscure Varieties

Massage therapy is not always performed in the same way. There are many varieties. When a body is stressed, there is muscle tension which can create pain and improper function.
While many people may still believe that massages are simply for pleasure, there is growing realization that they are actually very helpful to their recipient's health. Massage therapy can be performed in a variety of ways.
It is almost like religions in that the main beliefs and goals are similar but the methodology is not. Since many practitioners are now recognizing the intense mind-body connection of a human being, mental ailments are also seen to be helped by massage. Touch is such a basic human need that without it infants fail to thrive and marriages can fail. Marriage counselors are now advising couples to have a minimum of seven minutes of physical contact each day in order to ensure a happy union. Neck rubs and back rubs can fill the bill.
There are many options of massage therapy touch available in countries around the globe. Some examples include:
Ayurvedic: This is a form of natural health care which originated in India. It is a combination of touch, yoga, herbs and meditation. Heated oils also play a part in ayurvedic.
Barefoot: Barefoot deep tissue systems work with stretching, transverse friction, compressing, utilizing trigger points and combines eastern and western techniques.
Balinese: These motions are subtle and intended to relax the person receiving the treatment. Aromatic oils are used to add an additional sensory element.
Hot stones: Hot stone technique involves heating up smooth river rock and placing them on specific locations on the body. This heat relaxes muscles and is combined with touching.
Bowen: This was developed by a man named Tom Bowen and involves rolling motions. Joints, fascia, ligaments and tendons are addressed as well as the musculature. It does not involve as much rubbing friction as other methods but rather a light touch.
Reiki: Reiki is a bit different from what is traditionally thought of as massage but it is bodywork. Reiki practitioners heal and move energy without actually touching the skin surface but instead feel and work with the energy above the body.
Breema: In this sort of bodywork, an individual would remain dressed and would be manipulated by stretches which are performed rhythmically.
Deep tissue techniques: This methodology targets a deeper range than many other types. The masseuse applies quite a bit of force and pressure to certain body regions. Deep tissue is a good way to address pain which has resulted from athletic strains.
Lomi Lomi: Lomi Lomi originated in Hawaii and involves heat and pressure. It is also popular on the island of Samoa. Depending on which island a masseuse was trained, each interpretation may be a bit different than others.
Swedish: Swedish strokes are lengthy and flowing in order to create relaxation. Tapping motions may also be utilized and are said to help with arthritis and joint pain.

History of Kauai Lomilomi Massage

When the European explorers first arrived in Kauai, Hawaii they were impressed by Kauai's people easy-going attitude and relxed manner. Upon closer observation they learned that Kauaians' attributed their relaxed outlook to the practice of a special Kauai massage known as "lomilomi, the Hawaiian word for massage. Kauai massage aka "Lomilomi" was a commonly utilized touch therapy used to treat illness and injury and to achieve emotional stability and spiritual balance.
Originally the term lomilomi meant the servant who was in charge of collecting and disposing of the spittle, urine and excrement of the ali'i or king, such as King Kaumualii of Kauai. The lomilomi massaged the abdomen of ali'i to help empty the bowels. By the time "haoles" arrived, the word had come to mean massage in general. A common person who practiced massage was called kanaka lomilomi (massage person), while kahuna lomilomi referred to a priest who specialized in healing massage with reverent touch and spiritual focus. Other relevant terms were: iwikuamo'o, a servant who massaged the back of the chief with his feet; and hamohamo, meaning to rub or stroke gently.
Lomilomi massage was widely used in every Kauaian's daily life. They learned how to massage from an early age. Children were often seen treading upon the backs of adults, and massage was done routinely between family members to treat minor injuries and illnesses. Mothers massaged their babies to shape their bodies into desired formations. Particular attention to molding the shape of the infant's head. Specific shapes were considered standards of beauty, such as rounded heads in Ka'u and on Kaua'i. A Hawaiian's place of birth could often be determined by the shape of his head. The buttocks and genitalia of infants were also molded with massage to conform to ideals of attractiveness.
Serious illnesses and injuries were treated with lomilomi massage by the na kahuna lomilomi. The kahuna lomilomi believed that physical illness was the result of mental disturbance, suppressed emotion or spiritual disharmony, from negative thoughts or offensive actions against others. A traditional Kauai massage healing session began with a thorough investigation into the nature and origin of the dysfunction. If a condition was determined to have originated from negative interactions between people, those involved would be guided through ho'oponopono, the Hawaiian method of mediation or conflict resolution. Confession, apology, contrition and above all, prayer were essential to the healing. Once the cause of the injury, pain, or discomfort was identified, the treatment would often begin with sweating in a steam hut; then heated stones or herbal poultices, wrapped in ti leaves, were applied to affected areas. Instead of a one treatment fits all routine, na kahuna lomilomi used an individualized approach of applying lomilomi massage strokes specific to each individual's condition. Oil was not commonly used as a general lubricant. Coconut oil, kukui oil or sea water would be used for specific healing purposes. The focus of a session was often opu huli, literally "turn over the stomach." The abdomen was thought to be a person's physical and spiritual center, and therefore treating this area was crucial to healing both body and spirit. Special foods were often used before and after the massage to facilitate healing.
Kauai's early missionaries were astonished by the accuracy of the na kahuna lomilomi and the other Kauai healers in their diagnoses and the effectiveness of their treatment of illness, injury, and mending bone fractures. Skeletal remains have revealed that Hawaiian healers had great skill at setting broken bones. Healed fractures were remarkably small, compact and well-formed, with good alignment of the broken parts. The kahuna ha'iha'I, a specialist in bone-setting, would often combine efforts with a kahuna lomilomi or kahuna la'au lapa'au (herbal doctor) to treat fractures. However, the missionaries regarded Hawaiians as heathens and considered their healing arts to be crude, unholy and unscientific. As the western religion and European cultures infiltrated Kauai, native rituals and customs were discouraged until finally completely outlawed in 1893.

Ka Huna Massage and Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage

Ka Huna Hawaiian massage is the lushest of massages and was performed by the high priests in the ancient temples of Hawaii.
This massage was often received on special ceremonial days by Hawaiian royalty.
There are a few different types of Kahuna, and until recently it was only passed down verbally from one generation to the next generation.
The foot work for this massage comes from a dance based on the frigate bird.
This bird is a large sea bird known for its amazing endurance and stamina. It flies off in the morning and continues flying all day feeding on the ocean before returning to land at nightfall.
Ka Huna therapists are trained in this dance, often called "flying" before they start to learn the massage style as this provides the footwork needed to do the massage. It is also a good way to relax.
This style of Hawaiian massage also has a deep philosophy behind it. A favourite is Aloha which means to love is to be happy with. There are many others including Ike the world is what you think it is, Kala there are no limits and Makia, energy goes where energy flows.
KaHuna massage is a deep and rhythmical massage that utilises all the senses. The rhythm is relaxing and works gently but deeply into the muscles. Ka Huna massage is known for its long continuous strokes that massage both sides of the body in one continuous movement.
The Ka Huna therapist uses the forearm, fingers, heel and palm of the hand in long, flowing movements over your body which is deep relaxing. These massage therapists often use a lot more oil than other styles of massage and this style demands a lot of energy and focus from the therapist.

Best Ways to Find the Best Lomi Lomi Massage Training

Traditional Lomi Lomi massage is widely known for its relaxing benefits. And what is it all about? It's a massage technique that has a very deep style that has its emphasis on soothing rather than more pointed techniques like acupressure. This type of massage is like a rhythmical dance that that gently rocks one into a blissful release of tension. Lomi Lomi massage originated in Hawaii. It follows the idea that a belief can block energy flow as much as muscle tension can. It helps release blockages and simultaneously gives the energy a new direction.
Thus making it not just a physical experience, it also facilitates healing on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels. And if you are more interested why not take a Lomi Lomi massage training in Hawaii. And how would you find the best Lomi Lomi massage training in Hawaii? I'll tell you how. There are a lot of schools that offer training and most of these schools are the cream of the crop.
But of course there are always schools that stand out above the rest. One of the things to find out if the school is a top of its game is by looking at its faculty. In any school the faculty is always important. A great school should offer a faculty that creates a dynamic learning environment to bring out the best in their students. Each faculty member should exemplify excellence in their teaching and clinical practice and all must be skilled professionals.
With this characteristics, together a faculty can inspire and challenge students to discover their own unique gifts and relationships to the healing arts. Another sign of a top school would be its curriculum. In a curriculum you can see what the school teaches and how it teaches it. In a curriculum the interested student should also know the span of time of each class. Class schedule also matter, especially today that there are a lot of young professional who want to develop their careers and learn more. A schedule that would accommodate their time would be okay. A schools location would also be another characteristic to make it a great school. Then schools offering massage training in Hawaii would make things great if they also had tuition options.
Tuition options that offer student loans,scholarship grants and payment options. By offering these financial aids, you can see also that the school is not just about profit but also help those low income students. So with that, we have laid out the characteristics of a great school offering the best Lomi Lomi massage training in Hawaii. We know what we look for, now we must start looking for it. Good luck.

Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi lomi is the word used today to describe Hawai'ian massage, traditionally called lomi. Lomi lomi practices varied greatly by family, ahupua'a (region) and island. Like all endeavors in old Hawaii, lomi lomi was conducted with prayer and intention.
The early Polynesian settlers brought their own form of massage, and it evolved to become something uniquely Hawai'ian. It was practiced by everyone, from child to chief.
Today, lomi lomi or "loving hands" is a common and popular form of massage throughout the world,especially in Hawai'i, Japan and Europe.
Traditionally taught lomi lomi massage practitioners are generally unwilling to work at just any spa or massage parlor. They prefer to treat selected clients quietly and privately, often in home settings. lomi lomi practitioners may also ask their clients to pray, meditate, change their diets, and engage in other selfhelp activities usually believed to lie outside the scope of massage. Lomi lomi is a holistic healing tradition beyond simple massage.
Before a Lomi Lomi massage begins, the massage therapist will say a quiet prayer to request effective healing. Then the ancient wisdom and Spirit of Aloha will guide, heal and inspire you towards your true potential. It is an experience that overwhelms the mind with sensation as the lomi lomi masseuse uses intuitive movement, breathing, rhythm and focussed intention in long, flowing strokes.
Lomi lomi massage technique covers a broad area of the body and works the muscles often simultaneously to encourage the continuous flow of love and harmony, and to wash harmful thoughts, patterns, memories and behaviors out of the cells of our bodies to make way for more beneficial modes of thought.
Once positive energy is permitted to flow unhindered, total body healing is accomplished.
This is the goal of every lomi lomi massage, returning to our natural state.

What Is Lomi Lomi Massage?

Lomi lomi massage therapy is a traditional type of massage therapy practiced and served at every massage parlor and spa in Hawaii. It uses massage strokes like rubbing where it got its name and other techniques based on the intuition of the massage therapist which depends on his or her evaluation of the patient's physical and emotional condition. This type of massage treatment heals, relaxes and balances the energy within the body to promote a good and healthy constitution.
This type of Hawaiian massage therapy is one of the most common and popular therapeutic massage style which combines physical and spiritual wellness. The technique which has its roots on the Huma philosophy of Hawaii, believes that the body and mind is connected or interlinked and that in order to achieve good health and quality life, both should be balanced and in harmony. The therapy session usually starts and ends with a prayer by the massage therapist. Lomi lomi was only practiced by the native healers and priests during the earlier periods as a luxurious therapy for the royalties.
Unlike most types of massage, lomi lomi therapy incorporates spiritual aspects of healing with the physical. This is based on the Hawaiian's belief in cell memories that can either affect or improve the whole condition of the body. The principle is similar to the Oriental types of massage therapy that regards the importance of balancing the energy or life force inside the patient's body to achieve healing, relaxation and to build defense against sickness. The massage therapist also looks at the patient with love, compassion and respect instead of conducting the therapy where the client is treated like an object in need of repair.
Before starting with the massage strokes and techniques, the massage therapist usually examines and checks the physical and mental condition of the patient in order to assess what treatment is needed by the patient. With this evaluation, the therapist can organize his or her massage treatment plan such as the duration of the massage session, the pressure needed, the types of massage strokes and techniques to be manipulated, and the areas to be treated.
During a massage therapy, the patient is required to remove all of his or her clothes and lie down on a massage table. A loose towel is given to the patient to cover portions of his or her body during the whole duration of the therapeutic massage. However, lomi lomi massage can also be performed with the patient fully clothed. The massage table used doesn't have a covering for the masseuse's convenience during the therapy.
Massage oil is applied on the patient's skin to act as a lubricant for easy flowing strokes that are done with the therapist's hands and forearms. The hands are used for rubbing, pressing, squeezing and other massage strokes while the forearm is designed for treating the deep tissues. The patient can expect a relaxing and rejuvenating feeling of total body wellness accompanied by improvements with their blood and oxygen circulation, immunity boost, relief from body pain and many more.

Massage Treatments in Massage Chairs

Massage chairs continue to keep pace with technology. Massage chairs use sophisticated software to precisely control mechanical systems delivering the perfect massage. The science and art of massage is advancing rapidly with these massage recliners. This sophisticated technology enables manufacturers to provide a variety of different massage treatments in their massage chairs.
Acupressure: An acupressure massage is a derivative of acupuncture but without the needles. Acupressure applies a thumb like pressure to different trigger points in your body. Your trigger points are thought to enable the opening of energy flow in the body. The stimulation of these trigger points is an important part of the acupressure massage. Massage chairs incorporate body scanning technology to locate these trigger points and target them with the massage rollers.
Shiatsu: The development of these shiatsu massage technique is a Japanese version of acupressure. Shiatsu uses a number of different movements to both relax and invigorate the body. It is similar to acupressure and it is used to unblock the flow of energy in the body. Shiatsu target different points in the back and neck for relieving tension and providing relief.
Reflexology: The development of reflexology massage can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians. A number of different points have been identified on the soles of the feet which relate to major organs in the body. Reflexology is believed to reverse the build up of stress. When your body comes under stress it mobilizes the major organs in your feet. Reflexology is believed to reverse this process to help you unwind. Specialized reflexology plates have been developed and integrated into the foot wells of massage chairs.
Junetsu: Some specialized techniques have also been developed because of the technology in massage chairs. The Junetsu massage technique is an ultra fine kneading massage. It was developed to more effectively target not and stiffness in the back. It uses a fine circular motion with increasing pressure to relieve these stiffer areas.
Hawaiian: The Hawaiian massage technique is also known as the lomi lomi massage. Hawaiian and uses a side to side motion which is like a wavelike movement. This helps to loosen up these stiffer and the larger muscles of the back and shoulders. The motion performed in the Hawaiian technique moves the rollers in parallel from side to side.
Swedish: The Swedish massage technique is also known as classic massage. This technique uses a variety of different stroking, squeezing and holding motions. It is used to reduce stiffness in the body and also to relieve discomfort and pain. It is a good massage for improving flexibility of the muscle and soft tissue areas.
Compression: A compression massage uses a squeeze, hold and release action. This type of massage targets stiffness in the larger muscles of the body. The most effective methods and providing a compression massage is with an air massage system. The air massage system uses different levels of air pressure to provide a squeezing and holding action. This helps to reduce stiffness and fatigue.
Kneading: This is a side to side motion performed by the squeezing between the rollers. This pinching motion is a great way to relieve tension in the back, neck and shoulders. The kneading can usually be controlled in 3 to 4 different levels of speed.
Tapping: A rapid tapping action is a typical type of massage action to invigorate the muscles and soft tissues. This rapid tapping can be 60 to 200 beats per minute. This helps to break down lactic acid, reduce stiffness and also fatigue. The tapping action can normally be controlled and three or four different rates of beats per minute.
Rolling: The roller mechanism in massage chairs can perform a rolling massage. The rolling massage allows you to adjust the width of the rollers while the rollers move up and down your spine. Most massage chairs have a stroke length between 25 to 30 inches. This enables you to cover most of your spine for the roller action. This is a great way to loosen up stiffness in the spine.
These are the main massage techniques which have been developed in massage chairs. There are known to be over 200 different massage techniques. Most of these are commonly taught to specialized students in massage therapy schools. Massage chairs continue to integrate more and more of these techniques into their recliners. We foresee that this trend will continue indefinitely for massage chairs.

What is Lomi Lomi Massage Therapy and Who Can Benefit From It?

Lomi lomi is a form of massage therapy originating in Hawaiian culture. Traditionally performed by healers called "kahunas" in conjunction with herbs, purifying, salts, and prayer, it was often shared among family members and passed from one generation to the next. The massage is sometimes accompanied by hula dance to keep the body of the masseur or masseuse in sync with that of his or her client.
This massage technique employs the use of the elbows, knuckles, palms, forearms, and even knees and feet, although these are less commonly incorporated. Practictioners frequently use both hands simultaneously on different parts of the body, and even work with fellow masseurs or masseuses to perform four-hand massage. Reminiscent of the art of dance, lomi lomi strokes are broad and fluid.
This massage style produces positive effects, both physically and emotionally. Based on the notion that love is the source of overall well-being, this ancient technique works to cancel the negative effects of stress on the body. This technique aids in the healing of our muscles and tissues, but also works on a spiritual level by letting the body know that it is loved.
This is the key difference between lomi lomi and most other massage techniques. The kahuna has always worked on an intuitive level, sending a message of love from one being to the next through his or her hands. The care with which he or she works instills trust, and the body can allow itself to receive the kahuna's healing powers freely.
This holistic form of massage therapy is designed to create alignment in the body, as well as mental purification, inner peace, and energy movement. It re-invigorates the body and restores its harmony with its surroundings and other people. Lomi lomi is not targeted to any one group or ailment, so everyone can benefit from it.

Brisbane Massage and Brisbane Day Spa

 Brisbane, also affectionately known as Brisvegas, is the capital city of Queensland Australia.
It boasts international modern art exhibitions, many five star restaurants and world class shopping facilities. The Queen St Mall is the central hub for specialty shops, however there are also designer shops scattered throughout Fortitude Valley and New Farm regions.
It is also known for its conference and exhibition facilities at South bank with art facilities, museums, theatres and convention centre situated on the old Expo site. As a cultural hub, Brisbane's Southbank is the perfect place to take in an award winning show or musical.
Brisbane is also known as the gourmet capital of Queensland, with a multitude of restaurants, gourmet providers, coffee roasters and delicatessens. These are centered in the James St precinct of the city.
Brisbane is also known as the day spa and massage capital of Queensland.
With over 200 massage and day spa providers, Brisbane has some of the best day spa providers and massage therapists in Australia.
These vary from the large day spas that you find linked in with five star hotels, through to smaller providers that work attached to hair dressing and beauty salons.
Larger Brisbane day spas can include more exotic styles of massage including Ka Huna, Lomi Lomi and hot stone massages, and can incorporate steam rooms, saunas and other facilities into their treatments.
Smaller providers tend to offer one hour treatments of remedial or Swedish massage and tend to be cheaper.
One of the more popular Brisbane massage and beauty services is the mobile day spa service. Some offer more exotic styles of massage like chocolate massage, Sea shell massage, Russian massage and Vietnamese Four Hands Massage. Ripple also does the more traditional remedial, relaxation, pregnancy and hot stone massage styles.
Brisbane has long been known as a region for relaxation, so it is not surprising that massage and day spa is popular here. By the time of Federation, Queensland was the fastest growing state in Australia and Brisbane was its economic centre. Despite the drought, floods and depression of the 1890s, trade and industry boomed.
After World War Two, Brisbane continued to grow with increased industrial activity and population levels boosted by immigration.
Today Brisbane is still on of Australia's favourite capital cities with cultural, popular and financial growth. It now sprawls out from the central river with suburbs rapidly expanding to cater to its population growth.

Prostate Issues and Massage

Men that suffer from prostate problems or difficulty in sex might benefit from a prostate massage. The treatment can provide many benefits from prostate relief to heightened sexual pleasure. A revitalized sex life and healthy functioning prostate can be achieved with proper Kundalini energy flow and movement. I use special Tantric tools for this purpose.
The prostate massage has been known to help men overcome impotence. The prostate helps create seminal fluid and massaging the prostate helps stimulate activity. With increased seminal fluid incidences of impotence will begin to drop. Massaging the prostate has been said to heighten overall sexual pleasure so regular massages can aid tremendously in helping a man overcome impotence. My prostate massages can help relieve the symptoms of prostatitus, and other pelvic problems.
Regular prostate massages can help induce orgasms and stimulate ejaculation. Many times the orgasms reached when prostate massage is involved are highly intense. When the prostate is stimulated, the blood and seminal fluid increase in their flow. This increases flow of fluids also can help to improve sexual function overall. The fresh blood supplies and nutrients help keep the reproductive system healthy and functioning well.
Prostate massages can often times help improve erectile problems. Sometimes men suffer from restricted blood flow in the pelvic area which can directly effect the male reproductive system. Health conditions, age and injury can all be contributing factors in erectile dysfunction. The massage will help improve the flow of blood as well as nutrients and reduce incidences of erectile dysfunction. It isn't uncommon for a full and active sex life to be restored with the help of prostate massages.
Pelvic Awakening
"Elevated Spinal Phase of the Wave: Arching - Anterior Pelvic Position"
Here is the spinal snake arching before you, displaying flexibility and strength. Convexly, the body exercise's lift and expansion of the chest and ribs, and forward tilting of the pelvis. The stomach is firm. Rib-cage is open, and the arms and eyes are relaxed. The cobra breath will excite and pleasure your spirit, as it wave's the body.
"Rounded Spinal Phase of the Wave: Flexing - Posterior Pelvic Position"
The total orgasmic wave cycle includes an up and down motion, especially when we are talking about Tantra. Yet many people as they get older, more often move from a spinal flex position, limiting their range of motion which causes less pleasure, and soft tissue and joint stiffness. A fuller range of motion is called upon for better health.
Kriyas are automatic movements, vocalizations or actions that are part of the process of Kundalini clearing. Spontaneous yoga postures, twitching and shaking are good ways of releasing energy blockages that are stuck in the body.
Kriyas most often occur when the body's instinctive guidance or innate intelligence is responding to the work. The process is about learning to move and channel the Kundalini energy, so that you can contain and experience a full body orgasmic pulsation/wave.
Gestalt Ecstasy: Spinal - Core Release
Here you see complete freedom to express your self. A full range of release is shown through the somatic presence of ecstasy. Boundaries shifting, metaphysically between expansion and contraction, permitting flow and pleasure to emerge. Ecstasy is a wonderful thing to share with your body. The mind simply relaxes and let's go. The secret ingredient is conscious breathing. I teach you how to synchronize and release the breath.
Spinal Waving: Organismic Flow
There are three areas in the bodymind where the reins on our spirit are pulled most tightly by the entrenchment of ego's defenses: the scalenes (head-neck), the diaphragm (chest-belly), and the iliopsoas (kidneys-pelvis) segments. If we can release these, we can free ourselves from the crippling effects of trauma, denial and the accumulation inner and outer negativity.
It is these three somatic blocks that lead to the unconsciousness and inertia resulting from mind-body dissociation.
Since these blockages are set up in order to curb emotion, we cannot be emotionally authentic without opening up these three neuromuscular areas... and in doing so the Heart is then given preeminence in our psyche.
This is why true yoga is more than simply doing postures, it is moving and releasing the breath. [E-motion]
Spinal Waving is like Michael Jackson doing the "Moon Walk Dance" or Elvis moving his body in a rock and roll manner. Flexion and extension with all wheel drive in motion.
Pelvic Movement & Centering
Pelvic Centering is the act of being in between tension and relaxation within the pelvic cavity. This is accomplished by learning how to move energy up and down the spine. This is a core practice with the use of breath channeling. Most people in America breathe from the abdomen, leaving intercostal and pelvic breathing dormant, unused. The lower gates need to be exercised and used for good health, longevity, and performance to take place.
Many people over 40 are numb, comatose within the Chakra system. They hold their breath and tighten their whole body, especially upper back, buttocks, and legs which leaves little energy for genital pleasure. Body awareness and feeling sensation is key for multi-orgasmic flow and pleasure.
Pelvic Thrusting seems natural enough, yet most older adults have difficulty moving their hips. Lower back problems and lower extremity stiffness will do it! My work can help. Relaxation and letting energy release, circulate is good therapy. The opening of the three gates and seven Chakras will balance out the body, giving it greater freedom and mobility.
Tantric Release: Orifice Breathing
Awakening the sacred gates, allows you to experience 'The Holy Spirit.' This is done by energizing the P and G-spots together at the base of the pelvis and moving the spine in a wave like motion (snake-like), and allowing the breath to ignite the water element from the kidneys to the perineum. In an aroused state, the Kundalini Shakti feels so good and vital that you will want to 'sing the body electric.' Orifice breathing is about relaxing the guardian muscles around the mouth (upper body) and the anus (lower body). The polarity between the upper chakras (heaven) and lower chakras (earth) is what forms circular breathing. The combination and synchronization of thoracic-intercostal, abdominal, and pelvic breathing is what creates core movement and visceral health.
By using dialog and touch, I teach you how to enter the sacred spaces within your own body. Remember, whenever we guard our bodies with tension in a chronic way as in oral and anal retention, it does more harm than good.
The mouth and lips is the first seal or gate for controlling and releasing feelings. Emotions like anger, hate, love, and joy start in the mental mind and move into the physical body with oral consumption, expression, and instinctual response. Speech, singing, eating, coughing, sucking, biting, and licking are all healthy signs of expressing oneself.
Tongue yoga is basic to the ancient teachings of Kundalini. The dance of the snake, the hiss begins with the sound coming from the oral cavity. It is a warning sign of power and confidence, no shame or guilt. The cobra stands its ground erect!
Sacred Tantra teaches one how to move their fire and water elements. Fire is stored and made in the heart and belly. Water is stored and made in the mouth (saliva) and in the kidneys and bladder (urine), and genitalia (sexual fluids). Most civilized adults rarely open their mouths very much and move their tongues. For example, try being orgasmic with your mouth shut, and notice how it feels. The tongue and lips make a powerful orifice in relationship to pleasure.
Working the Container: Asanas
Kundalini energy flows when you create a safe container. Yoga creates this container on two basic levels: the subtle channels and the gross vessels. Chakras are subtle locations where Western organs or structures exist in there gross state. I work with both anatomies at the same time. Eastern is more psychic, while Western is more corporal. Remember, it is the mind that controls the body. The soft-ware in your brain has to be adjusted along with the hard drive or hard-ware in your body.
The Kundalini can follow the spine when activated, if the orgasmic wave is allowed to move. Good sexual release and higher consciousness (divine bliss) is based on learning to let go of the Chakras, etheric wheels.
General health and sexual fitness is determined by your ability to tilt the pelvis and curve the spine. Most civilized adults have lost the feeling and/or too stiff to tilt their pelvis back and forth, and bend their spine. Sitting most of the day in one position on a chair will do it.
A healthy pelvis and spine needs to move! Core movements stimulate and balance your Jing energy flow (mojo). Curling up, rounding the lower back (kyphosis) creates a backward/posterior tilt and arching the lower back (lordosis) creates a forward/anterior tilt. The oscillation back and forth of the spine and hips is called 'mojo fucking.' The key to performing this motion is letting-go of the upper torso and lowering one's center of gravity.
A flexible/agile core body can hold and accumulate more warm energy (mojo) when it can move forward and backwards as in the picture above and below. The function here is allowing the kidney area of the back (the Jing energy) to relax while activating the core muscles of the lower body and pelvis. If this is not possible, please come in for a needed Tantric treatment where you can nourish your vital principle.
Many people actually hold their breath upon the beginning of their orgasmic flow. This constricts the energy body and can be a way to unconsciously attempt to not lose control into the bigger energy feeling. Holding the breath, tightening the stomach, buttock and leg muscles, and tensing the upper body upon orgasm is restricting the orgasm from being felt fully in the body. Mouth breathing can sometimes help release the defense mechanism of control, letting go orally by moving the tongue and lips.
Tantra practice shows you with breath awareness how you can oxygenate the body and build more natural Qi/Prana flow. This energizes the body instead of depleting it. Adding sound toning naturally opens the throat and as the throat opens and relaxes, the body follows. A slower and more conscious movement pattern adds to a more loving release and greater health benefits to your Tantric experience.
Relaxing into a natural state of being is only possible when you are willing to let go of control. The key is allowing the body to move without having the brakes on all the time. This is where you need a teacher to guide and show you the way.
Almost 80 percent of the men who visit me have lost their ability to have a multi-orgasmic response with a pre-cum release. The primary reason being vascular restriction, insufficient blood flow to the Bulbourethral gland, also called a Cowper's gland. This phenomenon can be caused by an over developed sympathetic nervous system (fight, flight, freeze response) and too much sedentary sitting. The lack of circulation and exercise by the urogenital and pelvic diaphragms causes' a decrease in the pleasure response. The perineum is the physical epicenter where the dormant Kundalini serpent sleeps in hibernation, just waiting to be awakened. My work is designed to awaken the lower Chakras, increasing the blood flow through out the pelvis and lower back. Most men respond to treatment within three visits or less based on their medical history.
I can do energy, functional, and structural work founded on your request. All sessions are of a Pink Tantric nature incorporating sensual flow, body movement, and pleasurable relaxation. Tantric tools and vibrational healing can be introduced here if you like. Prostate stimulation with a vibrating Tantric wand can be very helpful for awakening and healing the pelvic region of the body.
With every male tune-up you receive a complete operational firmware and utility software update on your body: including optimizing, configuration and implementing servo & ballistic interfacing, defragmentation, repartitioning, transparent decompression analyzes, deleting with your permission old and obsolete programs, improving network connectivity, and data transferring effectiveness.
Most clients are more familiar with IT language than esoteric, shamanist, or yoga terms, so explaining things using Information Technology can be most helpful. IT men are a growing clientele for me, being the sedentary nature of their work and the managerial stress. Being robotic at work is one thing, being human the rest of the time is another. What most men need is to visit the service station at Larry's for a good Male Tune-Up Massage and receive your 5000 mile warranty on all parts and labor.
I have worked with a diverse clientele throughout the United States, bringing over 34 years of experience in teaching exercise, 30 years in Eastern and Western bodywork and massage, and 17 years in process body-centered therapy to you. My ability to blend structural bodywork with energy work is unique. I believe in a whole, Gestalt approach to general healing, yoga, and massage.
In New York City, I began my study of Hatha yoga in 1978 with Swami Bua Ji Maharaj M.H.Y.; 1986 AMTA Professional Member & Graduate of The Chicago School of Massage Therapy; Post graduate work at The Florida Institute of Natural Health; 1989 passed with high honors with a Florida State Massage License; 1991 Graduate of The Chinese National Chi Kung Institute; 1992 Integral Yoga Meditation Residential Teacher Training Program; Network Chiropractic Attunement & Communications Certification (Module A & C) for healing facilitators program (1993) by Donald Epstein, DC.; NCBTMB Certification 1994; 1995 Counseling for Bodyworkers with Bruce Burger MA, RPP at Heartwood Institute in Garberville, CA; Certified in Rebirthing and Transformational Breathing by The School of Spiritual Psychology in Milwaukee, WI (Jim Morningstar, Ph.D., ABPP); 1996 Hakomi of Minnesota/Hakomi Integrative Somatics Training; 1997 City of St. Louis Park Massage Therapist License-500; Orthopedic Massage Training with Thomas Hendrickson, D.C. at Heartwood Massage School in 1997; 2001 Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Training on the Big Island; Northwestern Health Sciences University, Continuing Education in Chinese Massage (Tui Na); Myofascial Release, Unwinding, and Rebound with John Barnes, PT.; Medical Massage Training for back pain with Leon Chaitow, ND, DO, MRO; and Orthopedic Massage with Robert King, Thomas Myers, and James Waslaski; 2007 Orthopedic Assessment Skills with Whitney Lowe; 2009 Institute For Integrative Health Care Studies in "Pharmacology For Massage;" and, a current member of the Himalayan Institute.